Sunday, April 30, 2017


Everybody believes that there is something special about their country, race, color or religion. If you observe these attitudes from people, you will be aware of stupidity that prevails amongst human beings. But it will be difficult for you to see your own idiotic, irrational prejudices. First, watch others, and then it will become easier for you to see that the same is the case with you, it is all about a game and the name of the game is ego. Do you realize that it was by an accident that you came out of your race because you did not choose it, did you? But you are helpless to believe whatever your family told you because you have been conditioned that your race is better than others. The family is programming every child according to its prejudices. If you are born in any race you will be continuously programmed for that race, and you will not ever suspect that your conditioning may be wrong, your conditioning will be preventing you from seeing yourself in others. Eradication of racism is not about preaching  to stop it,  not about carrying placard, not about sanctioning, not about be tolerant of others, because the very idea of being tolerant carries intolerance in it,  not about stop using the word “race” and replace it with another word like “ethnic groups”, you can see for yourself that all these things have not solved the problem of tribalism or discrimination  instead it suppresses it and however you suppress it, it will erupt like volcano one day, but it is about understanding  how you can see yourself in others, otherwise there will be no end to racism.

Everybody is against racism but almost everybody is a racist. Don’t you think about it that if you declare yourself the master race, or superior to everyone else, you are creating enemies all around? Who told you that you are the master race or on what ground are you claiming this? That is why we have to go to the root of this problem. Tracing of the root of racism leads us to the family, as the family is the basic unit of the society, in that case, families have to stop programming their children on better race, if not, this racism will not disappear. Every family commits the crime of conditioning their children that their race is the greatest race in the world. After you have been conditioned, you identify yourself with your race but this is just part of your ego, not part of you because you are not your race, your country or your religion. The self is a total freedom. It exists in its own right. It doesn’t belong to anything else; it doesn’t depend on anything else. You cannot belong to any nation, to any race or any religion. It is only fools that lives around the idea of "my" and "mine": my nation, my race, my family, my religion and he has come alone and he will go alone; Alone, empty-handed we come; alone, empty-handed we go. The wise knows it; hence the wise claims nothing as "mine."  You belong to existence itself. Why belong to small trivial crowds when you can belong to the whole universe? And with belonging to the whole universe, it gives you freedom because the whole is unlimited and there are no limitations.

Everybody needs to understand that intrinsically no two human beings are different; human beings are just human beings, the difference is only on the physical appearance and this differences was accidental because we have lived in different climates, that is how different races have evolved and we have encountered different situations, facing different challenges, we have passed through different histories; different minds, and this resulted in different qualities, so naturally we have learned to behave in different ways. Whether your skin is black or white or yellow or red, it does not matter. It is only a question of a few color pigments. Nobody is higher and nobody is lower; we should drop the idea of hierarchy or discrimination, each race is unique, in fact it is not a question of different races – no two individuals are alike, so comparison is out of it based on that, every human should be treated with equal right, we are just like a unit of body working together as a whole, because every race in the world has contributed something. And it is not bad that we have different races, variety is beautiful, and it enriches the world. It will be an ugly world where only one race is living. It will lose all charm, it will lose all beauty. And it is a well-known fact that if a man and woman who belong to different races get married, their child will be healthier, will live longer, will be more resistant to diseases, and will be more intelligent. So it will be good if people from one race marry into another race, and remember if crossbreeding becomes normal, all world violence or wars will become impossible. This earth is our home. Unless we put ourselves right, we cannot put humanity right, we cannot put this earth in such a way as to live beautifully. There is no need of nations; there is no need of races. It is one earth, it is one world, but one has to search within oneself first, in order to be able to see yourself in others. Embrace all the races, stop the race of the races because it is a disgrace to the human race, this whole world is ours, one humanity, it is our beautiful earth. It belongs to no race, to no nation; it belongs to us all until we realize this that is when we can be able to enjoy the grace of existence. Note many rivers in the world are named after colors. In China we have the Yellow River; somewhere in South Africa they have the Red River; in the U.S., I have heard, they have the White River, the Green River, the Purple River. In Spain they have a river, the Rio Tinto -- it has three names. Somewhere it is known as the Green River, somewhere as the Red River, somewhere as the White River. The river itself has no color; water is colorless, but the river takes the color of the terrain it passes through, the color of the shrubbery on the banks. If it passes a desert, of course it has a different color; if it passes through a forest, the forest is reflected -- the shrubbery, the greenery -- it has a different color. If it passes through a terrain where the mud is yellow, it becomes yellow. But no river has any color. And every river, whether it is called white, or green, or yellow, reaches naturally to its end, to its destiny, falls into the ocean, and becomes oceanic. Your differences are because of your terrain. Your colors are different because of your terrain. But your innermost quality of being is colorless; it is the same. Somebody is black, a negro; somebody is white, an Englishman; somebody is just in the middle, an Indian; somebody is yellow, a Chinese -- so many colors. But remember, these are the colors of the terrain of the body you pass through. They are not your colors; you are colorless. So let’s all cancel the races of races to become race less so to say.

Monday, March 27, 2017


Happiness is one of the ambiguous words because when you mention happiness you might refer to physical, psychology or spiritual happiness. Physical happiness is known as pleasure: you can experience it through your body, psychology happiness is known as joy: you can experience this through your mind and spiritual happiness is known as bliss which you can experience this through your heart. Another thing to understand is that physical happiness cannot be more than momentary because the body is constantly changing, this is also applicable to psychological happiness it cannot be forever because the mind goes on changing its form every moment; and for spiritual happiness it is not in a momentary way, it is the kind of happiness which comes but never goes. It is not of time, it is part of eternity; physical and psychology happiness has caused while bliss has no cause. Physical happiness is at the level of instinct that is why we see animals looking happier than men. Psychology happiness is at the level of intellect and that is why only men can experience it like listening to music. Spiritual bliss is at the level of intuition while few people have experienced it so far in human history
You have to know this so that you cannot continue living in misery. How?  If your happiness has a cause it is nothing but misery masquerading as happiness because that cause can be taken away anytime, it can be destroyed anytime and it can create a kind of addiction, slavery, dependence, and also a great fear. You can be robbed of it, it can be stolen.  And if you are looking for happiness that should be forever in a wrong direction, it might turn to misery because after each pleasure one falls into a deep depression. After each joy great darkness surrounds one because one is frustrated. One had hoped so much and when it came, one believed that it was going to remain; but it comes from this side and it goes from the other side,  remember that neither the body can satisfy nor the mind. Contentment is possible only when the spiritual bliss has happened because, it has no cause, and it is beyond the chain of cause and effect. It is not dependent on the outside; hence it cannot be taken away. There is no fear of losing it, it is impossible to lose it and it is permanent.

This kind of happiness is not something that we have to seek directly because it cannot be achieved directly: it is something very subtle that happens only when you are completely lost in something else. So whatsoever you do, if you are happy doing it, it is good.  Think of what you enjoy and what you enjoy doing, and get absorbed into it. Happiness will come on its own. If you enjoy swimming then swim if you enjoy chopping wood then chop woods. Whatsoever you like, do it and get absorbed into it. And suddenly when you are absorbed you will find that climate coming to you, that sunlit climate of happiness. People have to get ABSORBED. Happiness is a by-product, it is not a goal. Doing the thing that you want to do brings happiness. Forget about happiness – stop talking about it! Stop seeking happiness – live it! It is not something in the future that is going to happen someday, it can happen right now, this very moment. . But happiness is not to be sought directly. Do something else and happiness will follow like a shadow – it is a consequence, not a result. ’Everybody in the world wants to be happy – but then why are almost everyone, unhappy? Because they want to be happy. Happiness cannot be desired. You desires misery comes; desires brings misery. Happiness is a state of no-desire. Happiness is a state of great understanding that desire brings misery.  When desires disappear, happiness appears. When you are not with ego, jealousy, ambitions or competitions then you can experience this spiritual happiness. Happiness is a shadow of harmony, it follows harmony. There is no other way to be happy. Unless you are the harmony, you can strive and strive then you will get more frustrated and you will get more and more into misery. 

Friday, February 17, 2017


Being tamed by whom? You would be surprised by the answer to this question- by all religions. Then you can ask again how? By exploiting the human basic instinct of fear. You may not understand yet until you look into all their teachings then you will see that it is rooted in exploiting human basic instinct either with the trick or strategy of fear and greed.   Greed is out of fear, and out of greed more fear arises, just remembers that fear and greed are not two different things; but they go together they are two aspects of the same coin. In fear, you might want to escape from something and in greed, you might want to cling to it, but they are both the same it is one energy but two poles of the same energy. And that is what all religions use to tamed people to certain behavior, mind you that is what they normally use to tame any animal for the circus just they called it of a different name: punishment and reward. The psychologist confirmed that man can be conditioned for any behavior. How? By giving him enough punishment and enough reward and you can change anybody’s behavior through this method. And that’s what has been done to people by their religion.

Religions must have discovered it very early, that man can be manipulated and dominated easily if he is made afraid.  That is why they created hell. It is just pure imagination -- there is no place like hell, it is just a psychological state. It is not somewhere up or down and greed has created heaven there is no heaven either. Hell and heaven are psychological states, not geographical situations. Forget all about that childish nonsense.

Even people beliefs or morality is not genuine it is based on fear and greed, beliefs means you have not known and yet you have believed, either out of fear of hell or out of greed for heaven, every belief is a slavery; every religion is nothing but a prison with open doors. They manipulate you to believe because unbelievers go to hell. They manipulate you to have faith because the faithful will be rewarded in paradise. They are playing on your fear and greed.

It is a subtle psychological strategy to make you more and more a slave. The whole humanity is living in slavery. All religions continue to make people believe that they will get their reward after they died and that is going to heaven or paradise. Nobody knows whether that reward exists or not because nobody has returned from heaven/paradise to inform anyone what is true and what is untrue. And nobody has returned from hell either so both are fictions, without any evidence. Hell exists nowhere; it is the invention of religion. They may differ in their philosophical systems but they don’t differ in the basic exploitation: the exploitation of man’s fear and greed, to tame you.

When can a person free himself from the sufferings of greed and fear? It is only possible when a person expects nothing from others. When you can live your life in totality, to be able to be alone, to be able to go in into the darkness of your inner being, to move to the center. Remember that there is nothing to fear, this existence is yours, and there is no hell unless you decide to create one.

Just look at it this way, we have about 10,000 religions altogether and each one is claiming that their religion is the right one. Does anyone know the criteria to know the right religion among them all? Find a way to be deprogrammed because you have been programmed or tamed by your religion.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The Ultimate Democracy

Democracy for the babies is the ultimate democracyIf there would be a genuine democracy in the world, then parents should be prevented from giving their beliefs to their children. Children should be left alone; only after they have become mature should they start inquiring on their own. The function of a parent is great because parents bring new guest into the world who knows nothing but who comes along with some potentials, even certain talent because everybody is unique. Unless his potential grows and unless he uses that talent to its fullest he will remain unhappy, something in him will remain missing, he may accumulate much wealth, he may become famous, he may be respected by the society but he will never know the joy of life. He will go on feeling that somehow something is not there that should be. So because of this, parental conditioning has to be completely uprooted, it is the greatest slavery in the world and only when it is uprooted will man for the first time be able to be authentically free. If the child is brought up in a wrong way then the whole of humanity will be affected.  Because the child is like a seed: if the seed itself is poisoned and corrupted by well-intentioned people and well-wishing people, then there will be no hope for a free human individual, that dream can never be fulfilled because if we force the future to adjust to the past we are trying to repeat the past and that is what has been happening. This has caused miseries in the world and has created hell on earth instead of a paradise.
Still, the world remains in miseries because parents want their children to be like them and that is how they create more miserable people again. This is how the pattern of miseries continues and how there seems to be no possibility of making human beings happy. Somewhere the continuity has to be broken so if parents really love their children, one thing is certain: they will not help their children to be like themselves. They know perfectly well that they have been living in miseries and they have suffered enough. At least they will try in every way to protect their children from being miserable and that must be the basic understanding of parents who really love their children.   A parent can show love, but he will not give his knowledge. He will give all care and caress to the child, but he will not impose his ideology on him, he will not make him belong to his own religion, he will lead the child to be himself, he will share his experiences, but he will not enforce it on him, he will be friendly with the child and he will not play the game of power on the child.
The class of children is the most harmed, oppressed, exploited, distorted class of all classes and the most helpless. They cannot do anything: They have no way of protecting themselves from parental attacks and they cannot escape from it. Anything can be forced on them because they are absolutely vulnerable and parents always take advantage of the helplessness of little children. Down the ages, this has been the rule that the children have to adjust to the parents’ rules because they want their children to be in a certain way, which is programming or conditioning. This should not be any more, parents have to adjust with their children because children are the future and the future should not adjust to the past.

Friday, January 6, 2017


 In the real sense, it is not a forbidden discussion but people avoid talking about it and I mean talking about their religion especially to someone who does not share their belief. No matter how, everybody  belongs to a religion in one way or the other simply because they were born into a certain religious group, so if  you  claim now that you have no religion then your religion is religion-less. Whenever there is necessity to discuss religion at all, people discuss it casually in order to avoid fight /argument and that is the reason behind why people avoid talking about it because each religion holds on to the belief that their own religion is right while others are wrong.
What is common to all religions is the belief and dogma or doctrine, belief is the assurance that is given to you by others about what you do not really know, while doctrine is nothing but a philosophical system.  And what is philosophy? It is just a rational investigation of questions about existence, knowledge and ethics on how to live or how to deal with a situation.
The so-called religion today is just a system of beliefs and the funniest thing is that true religion has nothing to do with belief. Religion is an experience, not a belief. We know trees by their fruits and if you look at the history of religion you will be surprised that religion has not proved a blessing instead it has proved a curse. The whole history of man is full of bloodshed because of these so-called religions, telling people that if you kill in the name of religion it is not a sin and as a result of these, more people have been killed by religious wars, crusades, jihads. Muslims   killing Christians, Christians killing Muslims, Christians killing Jews, Jews killing Christian, Hindus killing  Muslim s, Muslims killing Hindus, Hindus killing Buddhists ... The whole history of religions so far is bloody.
That is an undeniable fruits of our so called religion of the past till now and these shows that they are all bogus religions, fake or false; they are all talking about love but up till now man have lived in a world of hatred, enmity, jealousy, and possessiveness. We have not yet been able to create even a small oasis of religion hence the whole establishment of the religions is basically anti-love – because they want slaves, they want servants, and they want efficient machines, not men. And these goes against the love that all of them are talking about.
If you know the origin of the word ‘religion’ you can understand what true religion is. The word ‘religion’ is very beautiful. It originated from the Latin noun religio" It comes from a root of three verbs: (1) relegere (to turn to constantly/observe conscientiously); (2) religare (to bind oneself [back]) and (3) reeligere (to choose again) and from this 3 verbs we can understand the meaning of religion.
So religion means: to reunite. With whom?  With yourself, with the source of your being or, to remember again. This word ‘remember’ is also beautiful. It means to become the member again, re-member – to become part of the source again, to go to the source and become the member again. Religion is reuniting with your own source. Religion is remembering, becoming again a part of the organic unity that you were. It has nothing to do with the others.

So the whole search of religion is how to get back to your roots, how to be one with existence again as you were before birth. The way of religion is love. Not all these cultures, traditions they called moralities, and remember that truth is one, so also true morality is universal acceptable not different doctrine.