Monday, April 30, 2018


The word ‘intuition’ has to be understood. The word ‘tuition’ means somebody else teaches you. Intuition means something that has not been taught to you that arises within your being spontaneously; that’s why it is called intuition.  It is beyond instinct or intellect, it seems like miracle, it is mystery because it cannot be explained scientifically but it can be showed. Intuition is a state of awareness without the traffic of thoughts in mind.

And to develop intuition is to have insight, inspiration, or hunch from beyond. Intuition gives you the secrets of existence, brings a tremendous silence, serenity, which cannot be disturbed and which cannot be taken away from you.

By developing your intuition you will not need to be directed by anyone. It is all what you need because it always directs you in the right course of action, and you will not do anything against your nature, you will be the master of yourself.
Meditation is the only method to develop intuition, although there are over hundred types of meditations but the simplest and the easiest one among all of them that is applicable to all either young or old, is to close your eyes and feel your breath as it comes in and out consciously, just go with it and observe a subtle pause before it turns in or out, these two points are the basis for this technique. The pause between the in and out breaths  is a very short duration but if you continue practicing this method with time, the pause will  get longer and if the pause duration is  up to 48 minutes then you will be flower with intuition.  
You can do it at any time of the day as long as you want, in any posture and you can also do it in the night and fall asleep. Make sure you experiment with this method at least 3 months before you ask any questions on it.
The first step in developing your intuition is that your instinct should be allowed all growth possible in the sense that the instinct has to be freed from all the fetters of principles and dogmas because they are not different, just functioning on different layers. One functions on material level, while the other functions on spiritual level, so it should not be disturbed with the intellect for any reason, instead intellect should be used as an opening for intuition.  

 Alongside, you should continue to do the method; it is just a method of awakening the awareness or intuition. If you go on watching your instincts and their growth, a moment will come when your instincts will start changing into intuition. If you are conscious, then the instinct plus awareness will be equal to intuition.

This point should be remembered again and again; never forget to practice the method, because it has been forgotten millions of times
Just do it.