Sexual energy has been forbidden, this has started when we were still babies and this has led to many problems in the world today.
Sex had been tagged as the original sin, our parents have started teaching us this wrong ethic from infancy, when we did not know anything, which means we have been conditioned about it.
Whenever a little child plays with his sexual organs not knowing they are sexual organs, he utterly enjoys touching them and playing with them, but his parents would become disturbed, that disturbance is in the parents, not in the child, this is the beginning of forbidden energy and that is where the society enters into the psyche of the child. When a parent sees his or her child touching his sexual organs, they will immediately tell him to stop touching it and they would remove their hand from there and the child will be shocked at that moment, that reaction will create schizophrenic in that child or split the child into two because It cannot understand what they are doing, but psychologically they are creating a complex in him/her, they are hammering into the child that something in his body has to be rejected; that it is bad because he will be wondering about what happened and that incident will create guilt in him as if he did something wrong and from that moment on they have started destroying his natural sex energy. They are creating hypocrisy in him, he will become a diplomat in the sense that when his parents are there he will not play with his sexual organs. At that particular time, he has no idea of what it is but they brought his mind to it because at that time sex energy has not yet activated in his body until he reaches 13 or 14 years of age. and when he reaches puberty stage nobody will summon the courage to give him anything like sex education because they do not know it, and you cannot give what you do not have.
Instead, they keep telling their children that they cannot use it until he/she gets married, like telling them that no sex before marriage and they are saying this because of education and civilization, so they have to force them not to express this energy but it is like telling someone to be drinking water but the person should not urinate until he reaches a particular age. How possible it is?
And if everything is okay someone can get married at the age of 25 or 28 but between the 14th and 21st years, of age, every child is at the height peak of his sexual energy, and if those moments are missed he will never be able to achieve the beautiful orgasm that could have been achieved. if they do not allow the natural flow of this energy, perversion will set in, and due to civilization, he can get married at the age of 24 or 28. In that 11 years interval, what does he/she have to do with his sexual energies that cannot be controlled? Either he learns masturbation, which is a perversion, or if he goes to a boarding school for boys only he would tend to become gay (homosexual) which is perverse while the girls become lesbians if they go to boarding school for girls only and if humans are far away from them they can make use of animals I.e. bestiality or tends to rape anybody available.
The ugly institutions of prostitution arise as a result of the repression of sex the more suppressive a society is, the more prostitutes will be found there.
Those who try to force celibacy on themselves turn into perverts like fathers and nuns of Catholics. What is the result? The majority of the father turns into gay and their nuns into lesbians
Because of not allowing the natural flowable of this energy whole of humanity is concerned with sex 24 hours a day. Psychologists have discovered that every man thinks of it at least once in 3 minutes and every woman thinks of it at least once in 6 minutes. Is that not sex obsession?
it can be easily seen everywhere if you listen to the music they play now and when you watch movies too you will see traces of it there and that is why 60% of the traffic on the internet is about sex or pornography, and if you look into the source of a major conflict in the families you can see the traces of sex there. 90% of a man's life is based on sex but if there is a proper understanding of it all these problems will be nowhere to be found
The root of all problems in life can be traced back to this energy being forbidden, in other words making sex a taboo is a major thing that is causing problems all other problems are by-products.
Everything is born out of this energy, without this energy life cannot exist on earth so life depends on it. Naturally, there is no higher energy than sexual energy but it is not only for reproduction, the same energy can have different creative dimensions. Maybe you do not realize that your sexual energy is your creativity.
Sex is the root of human existence. If you tamper with the root you have tampered with the growth of humans.
That is what is going on in the world, wrong ethics about sex and that is why the whole of humanity is suffering from obsession either through indulgence or repression.
Indulgence has made some to be addicted to it, while repression has also made some to be perverted, just imagine the list of all paraphilias, that is all kinds of sexual perversion like LGBTQ e.t.c, all these are as a result of repression.
The whole existence is full of sexual energy but the whole of human history seems to be teaching against sex energy. Religions, cultures, civilizations, priests, politicians, and parents have all been teaching how to suppress sex. But still, it cannot be suppressed because it is a natural phenomenon. It arises even when you are against it.
Why do they forbid it? Sex is being forbidden to control people or for human slavery.
If a man is allowed total freedom in sex, then there will be no possibility to dominate him, to make a slave out of him will be impossible. Have you not seen it being done? When they want a bull to be yoked to a bullock cart. What did they do? They destroyed its sex energy by castration. And have you seen the difference between a bull and an ox? What a difference! An ox is a poor phenomenon as a slave. A bull is a beauty with its energy.
If your sex instinct can be controlled then everything can be controlled, and if your sex instinct cannot be controlled then nothing can be controlled. So it becomes a fighting ground.
But the puberty stage activates this energy and remembers puberty is for liberty, it is the stage to have a rebellious spirit so they have to control it to control you
What have to be done for all these problems disappear? All the problems exist because they do not understand what this energy is all about, if they do they will stop prohibiting it and they have to stop it.
Nothing is wrong with it because it is natural energy, but forbid it makes it look as if it is wrong and that is why people are repressing or suppressing it.
Forbidden it compels people in trying to control the uncontrollable and if that is the case misery is unavoidable.
The issue is that if you resist sex, you will become more sexual; your whole life will be colored by sex. You will always think of sex every time
The scientist helps us to know that energy cannot be destroyed or suppressed for a long time. Do you know why? Because we do not create it, instead this energy creates us, it can only be transformed.
This energy creates us, if they want to talk about it on media they will blur it or censor it because it is prohibited. But they need to stop it because this also creates curiosity it makes people want to know about it, and it even makes the thing more attractive. And who does not know what they dim?
The sex center functions like a safety valve when you have too much in you and you cannot do anything with it, but nature has made a safety valve you can throw it out, you can release it, if you try to suppress it you will go mad or burst because suppressing it won't help. It needs a transformation and that transformation comes from total commitment.
Sex has to be transformed not repressed what is needed is more awareness and more understanding of neither repression nor control. The energy needs to be understood not to be forbidden, this energy is the source of our life, we came to this world through it, each cell of our body is being formed out of it but life is bigger than sex but just rooted in it, so it is a good thing for us but if it is understood the world as a whole will be a better place to live because all those problems will disappear.
You cannot fight with nature, nature is far bigger than you and you are part and parcel of it apart from sex being a natural phenomenon, the nature of our mind does not work with the words "don't " instead it goes against it, for example, tell your mind not to think about sex for the next 1 minute and see what happen.
But parents continue making the mistake of using "don't " words to guide their children they always tell them not to use this energy but despite all these don't there is nobody that completely obeys this rule, so we should stop using the words don't guide our children.
Making sex a taboo is the very foundation of human slavery and humans cannot be free unless their sex energy is allowed for natural growth. When sex energy is transformed your whole life becomes creative.
If the sexual energy is flowing perfectly well then everything will be okay, If it is used properly the urge will reduce naturally and it will not turn to compulsive attitudes. Man becomes sexually mature at the age of 14, if he lives his sexual life without any guilt without any idea of sin but simply as a natural phenomenon, by the age of 42, he would have gone beyond it if everything is okay. But if they do not allow nature to take place or they disturbed it, it affects people even in old age that is why you can still see some people at 70 years of age they are still running after anything under the cloth and that is what gave birth to the saying "dirty old man".
We need to be balanced about this energy. There is no need to be indulgent and there is no need to renounce either. When you are indulging you are gaining momentum for renouncing it and when you are renouncing you will gain momentum to indulge again.
The point is not to indulge or repress but to be balanced or to be in the middle, because it is in the middle that transcendence is possible.
So the best thing is to understand this energy and how to transform it without wasting it, If the energy is ready in the body it has to be used or transformed or else it will find a way to escape because the nature of energy is dynamic, and when it is not allowed to flow naturally it will lead to perversion because it will find a way to flow by force or with force, just look at it from this angle if you have not started using the energy or when sexual energy is repressed you will have sexual dreams, you will have sexual fantasies you cannot avoid them and you will even be having wet dreams but when sex energy is use or transformed, you will not have any sexual dreams and you will not have any sexual fantasies not to talk of wet dreams. This is a simple criterion.
If you repress something it will start finding some other way to come up with some perverted way. If you close the natural way, then it will come through some unnatural way.
Stop suppressing sex energy rather try to find the key to transforming it, and to know this you will need to be guided so that you can do the right thing in the right way, if you have an interest in how to do all these let us know.
The whole society is sex-obsessed whatsoever we do is related to sex however distant it may look. People seek money to seek sex, people seek fame and power and prestige to seek sex, If sex obsession disappears from the world people will not be money-mad. And people will not be bothered by power.
If people start talking about sex and studying it without any guilt, pornography will disappear If they can become a little more understanding about sex . 99 % of misery is because of misunderstanding about sex and this will be nowhere to find.
Just to show you that both renunciation and indulgence are both obsessed with sex. The morality of all these analyses is that you cannot run away from this energy and you cannot indulge in them, it is good to be in the middle because any of the extremes is for fall and natural things have to be used naturally because ignorance is not an excuse in the court of life.
Sex is beautiful, but beautiful things can go ugly, if you condemn them they become ugly if you transform them they become divine, so remember if you condemn natural phenomena it becomes poisonous, it destroys you, it becomes destructive and suicidal. Sex needs to be understood so that all these compulsive attitudes can disappear.
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